January 26, 2011


Now, I know I will have much more to add on this subject of excitement. Today, well last night, I got a phone call at work. It was my mom and she told me that they accepted an offer that she put on a house!!! A HOUSE!! I am so happy for her. This has been a dream of hers for a long time. I can't wait to see it and I am kinda sad I haven't yet.

This is a bit bittersweet for me because the place that she lives in now is where I spent all of my teenage years. I know I need to let it go, but it is sad for me. All the memories..... The first "real'' party I had was there. I had countless sleepovers and birthday parties there. That is the place where I brought my first son home from the hospital. I use to just walk around the neighborhood and meet my friends outside under the streetlights. I camped out in the backyard and slept through the neighbor dog getting sprayed by a skunk and sneaking in our tent. Doing cheers with the neighbor girl on a picnic table. Oh I could go on with the memories.

I know that even if she doesn't move that I would have to let go of that place. It lies on the flood plains here and they are planning a rezone. I have no interest in living there but it will hurt to pack it all up to a new place. I know seeing the excitement that my mom will be going through will be contagious. A new neighborhood for my kids to explore. A nice garage for my mom so she won't have to scrape her windows. It will be closer to me and her work. So many new and exciting things await this happy time. 

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