April 16, 2011

Busy thinking.

I find myself with a mindful tonight. Thinking about everything. Worrying about a lot as well. I feel whatever I try to do I am going to be judged somehow for trying to just survive in this world. I am busy as a bee trying to make sure that I can survive in this world and make sure that my children are well taken care of. Yet, when I need assistance I feel ridiculed for it, judged and made a fool. Believe me I would rather not have any sort of government assistance. I have lived 3 years in a small apartment with 40 dollars for food every two weeks and no medical assistance for myself or my children. I could no longer do it. I had my wages garnished for unpaid medical bills. I had had enough and chose to get some assistance. I have had it for a little over 8 months and I don't know how I survived without it.

Now I am by no means political. I think everything is very confusing when it comes to politics. I don't really know who to believe about what. I just keep reading about cuts here and there and most of them are aimed at the programs that help me the most. What did I do to deserve this. I really don't understand why the government wants to hurt the people that need the most help. Thanks for kicking me while I am down, I guess. I am moving to Canada....(just jokes)

I don't ever think that I deserve assistance. I am appreciative and am thankful for it. 

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