April 05, 2011

Life is good.

It might be the nap I had earlier, but I seem to be in good spirits right now. Or maybe it was the hand full of Swedish fish I just ate. I love feeling optimistic. I just hope this feeling lasts. I know that I will have some days that are not so great but I am just going to celebrate the good ones. There are so many reasons to be happy and I want to focus on that. I think that is healthy for me. The air outside smells so good and feels good too. I know it will be no time that the flowers will start blooming and I will be in my element.

I am a firm believer that happiness is a choice. You can choose to wallow in your own sadness and have a pity party for yourself or you can choose to be happy. I choose happiness. The negative thoughts and feelings are just not worth the energy. I just have faith that those who make me sad and those who are negative will have karma knocking at their door one day. I don't need to defend myself to anyone, I just need to be happy and be me!

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