February 03, 2011

Hurry up spring

I am having a bad case of missing spring time. I just wish it would be here now! I am going to try something a little new here and post the top ten reasons why I like spring.

10. Easter time! Come on, who doesn't love biting the ears off a huge chocolate bunny.
9. Searching for the first Robin sighting. We use to have contests when I was younger to see who saw one 1st.
8. The days are a little bit longer.
7. Open windows. I love opening my windows and smelling the fresh spring air.
6. The chance of one last huge snow storm. We have had a spring snow storm every year since I can remember.
5. Green!!! Everything that turns green! It is like all the plants get a fresh start.
4. The possibility of wearing shorts and flip flops. Or at least just a light jacket. No hats and gloves and scarves.
3. Rainstorms!!!!!
2. The smell! This one goes along with 7 but I am going to count it because I love the smell of spring!
1. Flowers!!! I love taking pictures of flowers (duh!) I love the smell, oh the lilacs, oh Spring!

Ok Spring, I professed my love for you! Now come and visit me soon!!! 

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