December 31, 2010

Happy 2011 Everyone....

Yay....I am ready to be done with this year. I am going to try a little bit of a timeline of this year. I am just going to say certain things about each month that I can remember....

I began this month with a new relationship that I thought would go far. I had high hopes for this new year and started my journey to a healthier me!

The end of this month my best friend moved away. I got a great Valentines gift from my (then) boyfriend. He brought flowers to my work, which no man had ever done for me. Went ice skating for the very first time!!!

I found out that my (then) boyfriend was married still and lied to me. It was to hard to handle so I broke things off.

Easter was fun! Had an egg hunt at my mothers house with about 120 eggs for 2 kids to find!!

Bought a new coffee maker, which I thank for my daily cup of joe. Lucas turned 7 and I had his party at.....crap I can't seem to remember. Oh his party was at Chuck E Cheese!

My best friend came back into town for a visit. I had a BBQ for Logan's birthday! My co-worker got married too.

I don't really remember much of this month. I think I might have gone fishing for the first time in ages. Spent the 4th with the kids and took them to the small carnival they had, then watched the fireworks.

Another one of my co-workers got married. I went to see Kid Rock and some other people in concert at the Buffalochip Campground. My oldest son started 2nd grade and my youngest started Kindergarten. My dad also came for a visit.

My brother came to visit. Also, my cousin, my aunt, and my uncle came to visit as well. My uncle Dude had a massive stroke. It was a tough month.

Turned 29!! Started this blog!!! Met (sorta kinda) someone special. This month my brother turned 35 and my mother turned 56!!! Had a good birthday and had an awesome Halloween.

I think this month went the fastest. Had thanksgiving at my mothers house. Had to wait in line at Toys R Us for and hour and a half just to be disappointed.

Well, so far, I went to my Grandma's house for the first time in like 11/2 years, for Christmas. My car broke down on me. Sold a part of my soul to Capital One. Got a smart phone!!!

So that is my year in review. I guess I don't remember if there was anything else worth mentioning. I have gained a lot of knowledge in this last year, know more about myself and how I tick. I don't really like to make New Year's resolutions but I like to make goals for the year to come. I think I am going to try harder to stand my ground and say what I am thinking. I am going to go after what I want and leave behind the things that I don't need. I am going to fill this new year with the beauty and knowledge that it deserves. And make new friends and have fun!!

Hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Bring on 2011!!

December 30, 2010

Hi I'm right over here

The wind sure is blowing and the snow sure is falling. Just another blizzardy Thursday! I should be use to this right? I mean I have lived in South Dakota since 1993 and it never gets easier. I feel like the wind just gets into my bones and leaves me cold for days. Wasn't it just 50 degrees yesterday? Oh yes, yes it was. Stupid weather.

Besides this blizzard not much has been going on. Last night was a little strange in a few ways. I went to my man friends house and hung out with him and his bestie. He seems a little insecure at times. He sometimes makes little comments about me being with another guy. Yeah weird, like I'm cheating on him or something. Maybe it is him that has something to hide. I don't trust him at all but I am not sure if it's just him or just men in general. Then he asked me if I loved him yet.....yeeesh. I am just not ready for that. I sound like such a dude. It's just the game of love is a tough one for me.

Alrighty then. Enough of that babble. I guess if I am going to go out for new year's eve I need to find something that goes good with a snow suit. It is looking semi doubtful that I will be doing anything for the new year. I don't really understand why there is all this pressure for new years. It never lives up to what I think its going to be.

December 29, 2010


I sort of feel like I am being pulled in all sorts of directions. I don't know maybe I just want to stay at home alone. I do enjoy my alone time. It is relaxing. I plan in my mind what I usually want to do for the day but it seems like these days those plans aren't what ends up happening. Oh well I guess I will just go in the direction that is pulling me the most.

December 28, 2010

Back to the grind

Yes, sadly my 4 day vacation is over. It went by way to fast! It was a very much needed mini vacation thought for sure and I kinda miss all my girls at work. Tonights shift shouldn't be very busy so it will be nice to catch up with everyone and how their Christmas was.

I still can't believe that there are only a few days left of the new year. I am going to start this new year off the way I did last year. I want to begin eating healthy again and working out. Hopefully I can knock off about 20 more pounds. I am very proud of my accomplishments last year. I lost about 30lbs!! I have been able to keep it off and maintain this current weight. I have not been doing any dieting and I don't seem to gain much weight. I think the way I went about it last year was defiantly right on. I did a variation of the raw diet for about 5 days! It was hell, yes but I think it really gave me that boost I needed.

New Year's always gives me that optimistic feeling. I feel like I have been given a clean slate to start things over again.It is a way for me to really take a look at my accomplishments and then go for what I want. I do have a few goal, I wouldn't call them resolutions. I think too much pressure is put on resolutions. I do think that I am happy about where I am and if the year ago me was looking at me now she would be happy.

December 27, 2010

Christmas hangover.

I sure am feeling it. I am so unmotivated today and sluggish. I still have to find a place for all the toys and such. I was thinking it was time to do a little pre spring cleaning. I don't know if I can find a place for everything. All I wanna do is sit on the couch and watch How I met your mother. But I will have a few cups of coffee and get things going.

Me and my forgetful self, I left my cell phone charger at my grandma's. I got a new charger today and I am happy that it works for all Samsung models. I will be getting a new phone in a month or so, when Alltel transitions over to AT&T. The new one will also be a Samsung so I hope this charger works with it too. It took me forever to find one. Now it is charging and I am feeling some relief.

I've been thinking about the new year. This new years eve might have the potential to suck. I don't want to think it will be amazing and be let down. I do have to work all weekend but my shifts don't start til 11. I want to hang out with a certain someone but I don't want to count on that. Who knows maybe. I will probably see who has plans and who is having parties and then make my decision. I want to have fun and I will! I hope to have a really great and productive new year. I think 2011 will be my year! I said that last year but I think last year was good for me. I learned a lot. Next new years I can look on this post and see how much has changed and how some things are the same. I get excited thinking about all of the potential in 2011!

December 26, 2010

Home sweet home

I am home now. It is a little bittersweet. I hate to leave my grandma and my uncle!! It was great to see them and watch my uncle play with my kids. He still can't talk very well since his stroke in September. He is very bonded with my youngest son even though he can't say a lot. The played a game of leap frog and it was adorable! My grandma's house brings back so many memories from when I was younger. I wasn't always close with my mothers side of the family because we lived in Pennsylvania. I am glad that my kids get to experience it in tiny tiny McIntosh SD.

Now its time to get caught up in house cleaning and finding places for all my kids' new toys. We all are very lucky to get so much! I feel very blessed.

December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to all

Ok it took me a whole day to figure out how to get on here. My grandma lives in such a small town that the cell phone service is about non existant. This post might cost me a small fortune because I am currently roaming. Not too sur what the roaming charges are for internet use.... Well we are having a great Christmas! We sang songs at church and we are about to have turkey dinner. I think the kids got all the toys they ever could want, and then some. I was stressing a little about missing a day of posting. Now I can worry no longer! Merry Christmas to all!

December 24, 2010

To Grandmothers house I go

Yeah I am a little nervous about the road conditions to my gramma's. We had a pretty bad ice storm last night/this morning. I am hoping for safe travels in the morning. I will have my grandma all to myself this weekend, which will be nice but I will miss my aunt, uncle, and young cousins. My youngest cousin and oldest son are about 2 years apart and my son adores him.

I am being a procrastinator tonight. I have nothing all the way done. Only have 3 gifts wrapped and a bunch more to go. I totally forgot to get all of the stocking stuffer stuff. I need to still pack clothes and my accessories. I can't forget the little things like my cell phone charger. Oh geez so much to do. I am still trying to fight this cold. I don't want to get anyone sick. Ok, I gotta get some things done.....

December 23, 2010

Under the influence

Of cold medicine that is. Yes I took some night time cold syrup. I do feel the sleepyness coming on but no cold relief. If you are a reader of my bloggy blog then you would know that I was having interests in buying a nedi pot. Well, I did, and it didn't help at all. In fact more water came out my mouth and almost made me vomit. I tried it about 3 times and the last try was the most successful. Overall it was kind of traumatizing experience.  I got a little rinse going on in the sinus cavity. But I am still so stuffed up.
Woo cold medicine. This is funny. I really shouldn't blog under the influence. But come to think of it, that is how all of this started.

Wow that cold medicine knocked me on my feet. I slept forever! Well its icy out and I am about ready to go to work. I have a million and one things to do tonight and I might end up not going to bed until early tomorrow morning. I gotta say it is not certain if I will get to post everyday. My grandma lives in a small town so I am not even sure if my cell will work there. I will surly try though it might be short cause I am spending time with my family.

December 22, 2010

Gingerbread and Best friends

I am currently in between batches of gingerbread men. I made about 2 dozen so far, but I burnt a few... Oopsie! I made gingerbread candy canes, and gingerbread trees, oh and the gingerbread snowmen. I need a better selection of cookie cutters. I need a star and a bell and a Santa.

Today is the last day of school for the boys. Horray for Christmas break. I am so glad I don't have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow. I am so ready for my trip to my Grandma's house! I can't wait to make memories with the family. I am a bit apprehensive about seeing my uncle. I have yet to see him since he had his stroke in late September. I do know that he is still the same Uncle Dude that I know and love.

Today is also my best friends birthday!! I miss her so much. She lives in Wyoming and I haven't seen her in about 6 months.

December 21, 2010

Guilty but drained

I feel so drained. I have absolutely no energy at all. I am not looking forward to going to work. I guess on the bright side only 2 more days of work left and then a 3 day weekend. I am so looking forward to it. I am feeling a little bit guilty about complaining because my boss is in her 50's and she is working so much more then me. She has been working a bunch of days in a row and they are mostly 10hr shifts. I guess I do have a cold so that might be wearing me down a little bit. All I want to do is sleep the day away and drink some tea and have some chicken noodle soup.

I am thinking about purchasing a remedy for my cold. I have been looking into buying a nedi pot. Clean out these nasal passages sounds good to me. A hot shower sounds good too. Off I go.....

December 20, 2010

Bad Timing...

Oh great! I feel a cold coming on. I am sneezing and my throat hurts. Just great! This is my Christmas present? If it is can I have the receipt so I can take it back? I just need to stop being sick and be awesome instead. Ha ha you know I had to say that!

I think I got just about all of my shopping done and my car is fixed! Yay things are going great. I am actually getting really excited about Christmas. I am getting ready to buy the food and the treats. I got a gingerbread house to make with my cousins. I still have two bags of pretzels to dip in chocolate. I also haven't made fudge yet either. Mmmm yummy, makes me hungry just thinking about it.

December 19, 2010

Welcome home....

That right there should be stamped on my forehead. I feel like such a doormat. I just wanna be that crazy paranoid jealous girl, but something inside me shuts that up. It says, "Quit being such a girl!"  But I am a girl....Woman actually. Just because I don't think I will like the outcome of a conversation doesn't mean I shouldn't have it. I am just trying to make myself happy. I am putting blinders up to all of the negative, like it doesn't exist. I am not sure if that is good or bad.

Oh well, I guess. Just one more of those life lessons I need to learn. I feel immune to heartbreak though. My heart is guarded by such a huge wall I'm not sure I can ever let anyone pass.

Off to work now. Today should be a lot mellower then yesterday....Ha I may eat those words later.

December 18, 2010


I have come to the conclusion that I know nothing about men. However, it could be just this one man in general. Well if it is all men, how am I suppose to raise my two boys into men?? I am trying to teach them how to treat girls with respect and kindness. I guess it all starts with being a good person as a whole.

This one man just continues to confuse me. One minute he can be very loving and affectionate the next he's aloof. I have called him on it before and he tells me that he wouldn't put himself in this position if he wasn't truly interested. I do feel like he is being truthful saying that, because of other characteristics he has.

Either way we all, as human beings, just want to be wanted and loved. Sometimes we settle for less then what we truly deserve. Sometimes we place ourselves with people that we just think are good for us but they are just not the right fit.

Ok, so its 3 am and I am not to sure if I should post this.....oh hell, here is goes. If I wanna post more later I will.

December 17, 2010

Christmas concerts!

So today was the day of my kids' Christmas program. I loved it!! My youngest son is in kindergarten and they are always fun to watch. My oldest son is in 2nd grade and he looked just like his dad today. He was all dressed up in a polo shirt and jeans. Their concert was so cute!!

Well that was fun but at the end of the program their dad comes up to me and tells me he wants to spend Christmas with the kids because his grandfather isn't in the best health and this could be his last Christmas to spend with the boys. I got really angry at first because I did all of this work to get time off to go out of town to see my family and did all of this planning and he comes at me a week before and asks me to change my plans. How freakin rude. I immediately felt guilty and though that I could work something out. This co parenting thing bites!

Now to get ready for day number 2 of 8......working days. Yes, I am working 8 days in a row so I can spend time with my fam. I hope This all works out. I am sure it will though.

December 16, 2010

The storm before the calm?

Yeah, I know that seems backwards but it is true. This weekend is going to be pure madness and I am not looking forward to it one bit. It is the Lakota Nation Invitationals. Aka.....The LNI. It is this massive basketball tournament in town. I do like the business that we get from it but it is still very draining. This will be our busiest week.

Seems like everything is taking a crap on me lately. First, my car and now my computer. Ugh. Why won't things work right for me? Oh and on top of all that I feel like crap. I drank a little too much last night and now I am certainly paying for it.

December 15, 2010

Non Christmas music.

Who needs Christmas music when you've got some old school jams! Oh yeah, I am listening to Destiny's Child, and En Vogue, and even some Salt n Pepa. Its not really that old school, just some 90's music that I am feelin' at this moment. I'm not sure what is next on my playlist. I usually just stick to my favorites list on youtube but I am feeling like I need a change.

So the car situation is getting better and I will be completely mobile by this weekend. Yay! I can drive it now I just have to do a little magic and it will start!

I must apologize my brain is complete mush right now. I guess it has taken its Christmas vacation early.

December 14, 2010

Break free

So once again my cell takes like 10 minutes to get to the spot where I am able to post something. Arg....another 9hr shift for me tonight, which I don't mind cause I certainly use the money. I am starting to feel like the stress is fleeing. Oh I am sure it will come back but right now I feel good about everything...... As Bob Marly would say, every little thing is gonna be alright.

December 13, 2010

Tree stuff and stuff

Lets not get technical.

So I sorta kinda technically missed a day. I feel horrible. Only technically did I miss it though. The stuff that was written was on the 12th I just forgot to press the publish button until 4 minutes after midnight. Come on it was only 4 minutes. If I wasn't at the "mf's'' house I would have been able to post it before but beings I had to use the cell it took forever. Forgive me?

Anyways, I really need to find my camera. I would have posted some pictures of my amazing tree but I can't find it. My tree is not the regular kind of amazing. No tinsel on it, just one strand of colored lights and one strand of white lights. I have decorations that I made when I was a kid and I even have one that my brother made!! There are two of my favorite ornaments on there. The first is a red ballerina made out of glass that I could just stare at forever when I was young. The second one is a mouse in a thimble with just the head peaking out. This year we had a minor tragedy and the mouse is minus one ear.....:( The other ornaments are all of the home made variety with a few glass bulbs and some plastic stars here and there. I love it!!

Work Christmas Part A

What am I going to wear tonight to our work Christmas party??? I have no idea. That is such a cliche woman problem! It happens to me all the time though. It probably doesn't help that I am so indecisive.

I don't know what else cool to say. Maybe it will come to me later after a delicious dinner and a drink or two.

December 11, 2010

10 rules to live by

This might seem a little corny, because I got this from a Taco John's news letter, but I like it. This is not the first thing that I have had cut out from said news letter. They are motivational to me and when I find something like that I like to keep it around just as a reminder. I think everyone has something like that. Ok, lets cut to the chase


1. People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
       Love then anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of a selfish ulterior motives.
       Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
       Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
       Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
       Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
       Think big anyway.
7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
       Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
       Build anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
      Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
      Give the world the best you have anyway.

Crap I forgot to title this.

I just have to write a little something before I go to bed tonight. Wow what a week. Car crapped out. My mom is having pms and she has already been through menopause. Applied to sell my soul to a bank. The apartment across from me had a small fire. Well I am not sure what happened, but there was some smoke, and the fire department, and me peering through the peephole for 15 minutes. Yes I am one of those nosy neighbors.

I am really struggling with dealing with my mother. Should I be mad at her for not helping me out more? I am a grown up (as much as I hate to admit that) and I should be able to take care of my own problems but damn! She  only has given me one ride since this whole car fiasco. She bluntly told me today that she would not be volunteering to give me a ride to work at 8 am. She also said if it was nice I could walk. This would not be a problem if it wasn't 16 degrees outside because I only live about a mile and a half away from work.I don't live on the best side of town though. This whole thing will probably end up in an argument because I don't hold things back with her.

So tonight we will put up the Christmas tree. I love doing this! I also love that my kids are at the age that they can really help me. I just hope I can make enough chocolate covered pretzels to take to work. My kids and I keep eating them as soon as they dry.

December 10, 2010

Jumped the gun....

Yeah, well, I totally jumped the gun yesterday. I thought I was going to have such a great day. I think if I was not having such a great day it would have been harder to handle. So my car took a crap on me. I guess I could say I kinda knew it was going to happen sooner or later. The worst thing about it is that I have no idea when I can get it fixed. This could be kinda crappy  but I am staying positive. It is getting harder and harder.

I am working an extra long shift tonight so I know I gotta post this now. I sure hope the extra time helps me. God I wish it was pay day already. Yuck I feel like I am going to be in a bad mood. I need to get out of it. Well on the bright side I can sleep in tomorrow and I get to put up the tree.

December 09, 2010


Well I am going to Zumba this morning and I gotta say I am a little nervous. I have never really worked out in public. The only gym I have ever went to is the one in my appartment building. (if you even wanna call it a gym) I am hoping to feel refreshed and energized after all of this. I just hope I don't have a wheezing coughing fit because I am a smoker. Alright I am ready to get my dance/exercise on!!!

I am back from Zumba! I am still alive and I feel quite good. It was a lot of fun and a good sweat. I am pretty sure I will be doing that again! I am a little bit tired but other then that I feel better then I usually do! Woo hoo! I love it when working out is fun and makes me feel good. I even got some minor cleaning done at home. Now lets see if I fizzle out at work. 

Oh it is a beautiful day outside. I am shocked that it is December and it's almost 50 degrees out! There is hardly any snow on the ground. I secretly hope it snows a crap load soon, just to take the edge off our busyness.

I am really proud of myself today. That might sound lame but one of my goals was to do some sort of class related......thing. I pat myself on the back because I did it! Goodbye to the once flaky me. Ha. Today seems to be being a great day!

December 08, 2010


Well if you asked me what I have accomplished today I would say about a whole season of my new favorite show. Yes, thats right, one whole season. I also picked my son up from school early, because he didn't feel well, but I think I was bamboozled. He sure doesn't seem sick now.

The one thing that I accomplished today, that was weird, was feeling more comfortable with my body. I guess you could say I am having a good body day. Actually this last year I have been liking it more and more. It is funny what a little weight loss and good eating will do.Yay for that!

I do have to work today, and train 2 new people. Oh joy! I am so ready for it to be Saturday so I can start having some real holiday fun! I plan on putting up the decorations and making some treats with my boys! First thing is first though, I have to clean up the house so it can be trashed again. Ha! Is there some sort of mess free cookie recipe out there?

I just hope at the end of the day I will feel like I have accomplished something, anything!

December 07, 2010

Head start...

Ha! I tried to get a head start on posting this morning and obviously that didn't work out. I ended up watching like 6 episodes of How I met Your Mother! That is my new show! I love it. Why haven't I ever watched it before??? Who knows.

Oh I am so over this week already! Busy busy busy!!! I am already ready for it to be the weekend.

December 06, 2010

Blah blah blah

Please spare me! I am currently hating on posts of love and whatnots on facebook. I am really sick of hearing about it! Maybe I am a hater, or bitter, but it gets old! I know you have found the man of your dreams but you don't see me posting about how much it sucks to be in a shitty relationship. I don't post about how hard it is being single and how hanging with all my friends that are in relationships and have love, makes me feel like I have the plague. I have great parts of my life, sure! I know it is your facebook and you can post what you want! I just had to get that out of my system.

Today is nice because I don't have to work. I am really getting burned out lately. I know it is the busy season and that has to do with it. Either way I feel like I got a lot done today. I already helped the boys with their home work and I am just about to make dinner. I got a couple of chores done today too! Yay me! I was thinking about putting up the Christmas tree tonight but I need to make sure this house is clean before I do any sort of holiday decorating or cooking. That is just that!

I may be in a mood lately but hey, thats just me!

December 05, 2010

Emotional overload!!

"Never felt the lovin of a man but it sure felt nice when he was holdin my hand"

There are so many questions I wanna ask him.....But I am biting my tongue because I am in an emotional state. I hate this! I deserve someone that wants me, that likes me, and mostly someone that respects me. We met on a singles dating site and have been seeing each other for about 2 months. I have been trying to just treat him the way he is treating me, being aloof and not totally attached. I think I am doing far more damage to myself then I think. I almost don't care. I hate that about myself. I hate that I settle for way less then I deserve just for some attention and the pretend caring feelings. I don't do anything to change this situation so I have no one to blame but me! I do proudly say that I have yet to shed a tear for this fella.

Oh damnit! All my man drama makes me feel like there is something wrong with me......I am gonna do a little damage control on my heart and think of things that make me feel better.

"Gather up your tears, keep em' in your pocket, save em' for a time when your really gonna need em' "

Sometimes I just wanna get plain mean and tell him that I hope his daughters never are treated the way he treats me!

December 04, 2010

I need a adult beverage

This needs to be fast because I still need to shower and get ready to go out for a friends birthday! I did have a good day at work today mainly because of a comment from a stranger. She complimented me on my eyes, which is always nice, and then asked me if I was married! I told her no and then she said she was surprised that no one has snagged me up because of how beautiful my eyes are. That right there made me blush!!! I don't think she was coming on to me, just being nice I guess. I hope she gets some good karma coming her way because she made my day!

.....What am I going to wear? It is so freaking cold that it is pointless to look semi cute when I have to put layers upon layers to keep from getting hypothermia. I just wish it would snow a couple of feet. Yes I said that and I am sure I will be eating my words soon enough!!!
Alrighty off to get ready! Don't wait up ;)

December 03, 2010

Under pressure

I have decided tonight that I am under quarantine. I am in such a lousy mood that just makes me want to scream/cry/punch someone. Why? Hmmm well cause I am a woman!!! I reserve the right to change my moods in a split second, and my mind. I also feel like I should be allowed to scream at whomever I want!!!!!!  Gosh I hate sounding mean. Hum, mood swing much?

Well I have to say last night got me thinking. I was talking with my bestie and she was talking about me, and how she gets to be my Maid of Honor when I get married. Well s#it! What if I never get married?? Well that kind of talk has come up before and has put my head in a spiral! It always gets me thinking about marriage and how far away from it I am. Then I feel like some sort of loser that doesn't know how to keep a relationship. Ah, love is totally not my forte'!

**Don't get me wrong, I know that people do things on their own time. Not all of us walk and talk at the same time. Hell, I learned to tie my shoes about the same time as my brother, and we are 6 years apart!   Any ways, I still feel a little behind in this type of situation. I have one friend that has been married numerous (more then 2) times, and she is younger then I.**

So then I get to thinking that I won't ever find someone to love. When I tell my bff that she entirely disagrees. Then says something that I can't stop thinking about. She told me I deserved to find love...... Well "f" don't hungry people deserve food? Didn't we all deserve something at one point that we just didn't get? Did we not work hard enough for it? How do I really know that I deserve it?? 

Brain overload now.....sheesh! what a Friday....

December 02, 2010

I hate to clean...

Who doesn't hate cleaning. I feel like my job is never done. I did some dishes today and then I decided to cook something so then I ended up with more dishes then before. It is just so frustrating at times. I need some serious motivation, or a maid. You may think that is absurd but I have been known to pay friends to clean! I could really write a book with the list of stuff that needs to be done here.

Ok, enough wallowing in my inability's. I finally figured out how to put music from my computer to my phone! That is an accomplishment, right? I know, I have had that phone for over a year, but hey!

I really miss my beautiful Christmas wreath that I had last year. Sadly, it was stolen. I have been searching for a silver wreath just like it but have had no luck.

Ugg.... I took a nap and now I feel like I slept the whole day away. :(  I hate that feeling. There is still some time left to get some stuff done, so I will think positively.

December 01, 2010

OMG it's December

Alright, who stole November? Where the hell did it go? Seems like just the other day it was the 1st of November. Now it is December and crunch time for Christmas shopping. Ugg...Yeah that's right I said it.

There is just so friggin much to do. I gotta get out the Christmas decorations, and do the whole tree thing, I still am going to make some sort of holiday goodies. I need to see what my wrapping paper from last year looks like, and if I need to buy more. I need to wrap some gifts and buy the rest. I also need to make sure the bills are paid and that I have enough money to get my children a Wii. Oy! I am exhausted just writing about it.

I am so dang indecisive to begin with and it gets so much worse during the holidays. Do I get this person this or that or something else. Would they like this, is it their size, should I be buying myself this and not be feeling guilty. Oh hell..... I'll figure it out somehow. I think tonight I will try to find the answers in the bottom of a Bud Light can! Sounds perfect right?